Bancosantander Case Study

7. Are explicit diversity goals and policies in place in the strategic plan and communicated internally and externally?Bancosantander Case Study Bancosantander is a large global financial [...]

Management Information Circular

9. Is performance and compensation for leaders tied to meeting diversity targets?Management Information Circular The MEG Energy Management Information Circular reveals the 2020 bonus scorecard, which [...]

Gender Strategy Toolkit

7. Are explicit diversity goals and policies in place in the strategic plan and communicated internally and externally?Gender strategy toolkit This resource helps organizations create a [...]

Target Calculator

7. Are explicit diversity goals and policies in place in the strategic plan and communicated internally and externally?Target calculator This calculator helps organizations monitor and maintain [...]

How To Set Gender Diversity Targets

7. Are explicit diversity goals and policies in place in the strategic plan and communicated internally and externally?How to set gender diversity targets This guide asists [...]