Aoda Compliance Requirements For Websites

18. Are customer service programs able to cater to diverse consumers (e.g. people with disabilities)? AODA Compliance Requirements for Websites Instructions on making websites accessible and [...]

Innovation Is Not The Holy Grail

8. Does the organization’s framing of innovation allow for multidisciplinary and cross sectoral opportunities? Is innovation limited to technology and technological development?Innovation is not the Holy [...]

The Udl Guidelnes

9. Is material accessible, easy to use and, ideally, in multiple languages?The UDL Guidelnes Practical guidelines for designing learning materials that conform to UDL principles RESOURCES [...]

About The Aoda

18. Are customer service programs able to cater to diverse consumers (e.g. people with disabilities)? About the AODA Introduction to the AODA RESOURCES About the AODA [...]

Aoda Training

18. Are customer service programs able to cater to diverse consumers (e.g. people with disabilities)? AODA training AODA Training options RESOURCES AODA training OTHER PLAYS “Measuring [...]